Semi Permanent Make-Up
What is semi permanent make up?
Semi-permanent make-up, also known as micropigmentation, is a form of temporary cosmetic tattooing which allows you to have long-lasting eyeliner and lip colour as well as being able to shape and contour your eyebrows.
How long does SPMU last?
Depending on your skin type and care, the pigment will fade slowly over 12 months. Eyeliners and lips may last up to 2 years.
Is SPMU painful?
The service can be a little uncomfortable for those who are more sensitive. However, an anaesthetic is applied during the treatment to keep this to a minimum to where it is completely tolerable.
How does it work?
The procedure involves tiny particles of pigment being placed beneath the surface of the skin, much like a tattoo. This pigment will stay in the skin for a number of months, gradually breaking down and fading with time, although the longevity of the results will depend on your age and skin type. A touch up is included 4-6 weeks after your initial treatment.
How long does the service last?
Depending on what treatment and technique is required, could be anything between 30 minutes to 3 hours.
Are there any pre-existing conditions that interfere with consideration for a SPMU treatment?
On keloids or if you have tendency to keloid, birthmarks or moles.
Serious diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, autoimmune disorders (doctor's note is required)
Circulatory disorders(doctor's note is required)
Any bleeding disorders (doctor's note is required)
You're taking blood thinning medication
Currently on Accutane or other strong retinoids (must wait until 6 months after treatment ends)
If any skin diseases symptoms or irritation appears on the area.
You've recently had Botox or Disport treatment (must wait 1 month)
You have a broken capillary in the eyebrows area
If you have a sunburn.
After waxing (must wait 3 days)
After chemical peels (must wait two weeks)
Is there anything I need to do to prepare for my service?
Do not drink coffee, alcohol or energizing drinks on the day of treatment.
Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Ibuprofen 24 hours before treatment.
Do not tan or have intense sun exposure 3 days before treatment.
No waxing 2-3 days before treatment.
No chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser or any other intense treatments 2 weeks before treatment.
Shower and wash your hair as you need to take extra care not to get your brows wet for several days.
What to expect during my service?
First, I will need to do a patch test on the skin at least 24 hours before the procedure.
Before this patch test begins, I will provide a quick consultation to discuss expectations and results of the treatment. This appointment may take around 30 min. You will need to fill in a consent form.
On the day of the SPMU treatment, I will start with drawing on the desired shape. Brows, Eyeliner or lips are measured perfectly to complement your unique face shape and size.
Next, I will choose the perfect AcademyS colour.
Anaesthetic is applied to reduce any discomfort, and then after several minutes we proceed with micropigmentation(implanting the pigment).
Once that's finished, I will clean the area thoroughly.
After the service, I will explain all the after care, and you will be ready to go
Is there any after-procedure care?
Yes! Make sure to avoid ALL of the following:
Increased sweating, practising sports, swimming, hot sauna, hot bath or jacuzzi, sun tanning or salon tanning.
Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycol Acid on the face or neck.
Picking, peeling or scratching of the micro pigmented area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment.
Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris.
Drinking alcohol in excess as it may lead to slow healing of wounds.
Driving in open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles or motorcycles.
Touching of the eyebrow area except for when rinsing and applying the post-care cream with a cotton swab.
Before showering apply a layer of post-care cream to protect your eyebrows from moisture.
During the shower keep your face away from the shower head. Itching and flaking may appear during the first seven days post microblading procedure, However, experience has shown that by following these aftercare instructions these symptoms may quickly disappear.
Once completely healed, always apply a layer of sunscreen SPF 30 on your eyebrows when exposed to the sun. Sun exposure might cause the colour pigment to fade away more quickly.
Who can benefit from SPMU?
Those who like to look their best at all times.
Those who have very little or no time to apply make-up throughout the day.
Those with little confidence in applying make-up or have poor eye-sight.
Those who suffer from Alopecia, Chemotherapy, Parkinson’s Disease, or other tremor related conditions.
Those who have sparse or over plucked eyebrows.
Those who have lost their natural lip line, lip colour due to the ageing process.
Those who would like to benefit from a non-surgical eye-lift.
Those who feel their eyes have lost their vitality.
Anyone who wants to divert one’s eye from any imperfections.
What types of SPMU can I choose from?
Many clients often have a challenging time navigating through all the terms for permanent cosmetic choices. Eyebrows being the top choice and with so many styles to choose from can be confusing. One thing to note is that I am going to create a unique customized brow for you regardless of the label, often I blend multiple techniques as well to create the best outcome. Often this is dictated by what the client’s skin can tolerate. Just like any procedure in beauty you really need to trust and communicate with the artist. There are too many details, we are trained on to explain it all to a client but understanding some basics helps and showing pictures of what you desire does as well. Bring in your favourite looking brows or eyeliner and also showing what you do not prefer will go a long way in decoding the communication gap. I would show you a design and colour choices before starting the tattooing and you of course you should approve this first.
The service can be a little uncomfortable for those who are more sensitive. However, an anaesthetic is applied during the treatment to keep this to a minimum to where it is completely tolerable.
How long does the service last?
Depending on what treatment and technique is required, could be anything between 30 minutes to 3 hours.
MICROBLADING: Microblading is a manual technique of semi permanent make up using a hand tool (blade). We are following a natural hair growth direction and creating a very thin hair like strokes. This technique is ideal for clients who prefer natural look over the make-up look. (learn more about microblading)
PRICE: £350
POWDER BROWS: Powder brows are meant to create a powder look much like typical powder make up. They are not for creating hair strokes at all and are best for clients that want a more solid looking brow or have brows but want a base colour. They are for clients who prefer the make-up/powder look over the hair strokes.
DURATION OF TREATMENT: up to 2.5 hours
PRICE: £350
COMBO BROWS: Often I use combo techniques to combine powder with microblading of hair strokes. Combo is a good choice for clients that have little to no hair at all and may not be able to handle only microblading. It also helps to create more natural shading and dimensions.
PRICE: £380
NANO STROKES: Nano Brow Machine Hair Strokes is the newest technique and quickly getting the most popular one! Where microblading might not be suitable for all skin types (for example oily skin with open pores or mature skin), there Nano strokes comes to the rescue! A very thin lines are created using nano needles to compliment natural eyebrows hair, make them looking thicker, fuller, even darker if desired. If you like very natural looking eyebrows and you are not sure which technique would be the best for you, let us know, we will be happy to book your free consultation where we can asses your skin and provide professional advice.
PRICE: £350
Eye Liner
Achieve the ultra-precise ‘liquid-liner-look’ 24/7. Thicker, darker lashes and more defined eyes make a difference to your whole face, but creating this effect with ordinary make up can be difficult and it’s easy to overdo it. An expertly applied SPMU eyeliner is the perfect solution, giving you professional make up results that stay put and don’t need to be removed every night or carefully ‘matched up’ every morning. Its swim-proof, shower proof and gym proof. You can choose from different styles of eyeliners.
SOFT LASH LINER: For the appearance of a thicker more luscious row of eyelashes Eyelash Enhancers not only make small eyes look bigger but emphasise your eye colour. For this treatment, microscopic dots of semi permanent mineral pigment are implanted between each eyelash, giving the appearance of fuller lashes by mimicking thousands of tiny eyelashes and creating the illusion of a thick row of lash hair.
PRICE: £240
CLASSIC EYELINER: Ideal for clients who like to wear their perfect Classic eyeliner every day.
PRICE: £280
SOFT SHADED EYELINER: Beautiful eyeliner with combination of powder technique.
PRICE: £300
Lip Blush
Lip treatment can achieve beautifully shaped and tinted lips using only a super crisp border and infusion of colour, giving you full, sensual lips 24 hours a day…effortlessly. Thick lip liners can look dated and unnatural, this treatment is about making your lips even, creating the illusion of volume and ensuring that the colour stays put in any situation so that all you need to do is add a dab of gloss if you like and you’re good to go. The lip blush treatment is the perfect way to restore shape and fullness lost with age and transform thin or uneven lips. A tint is selected from a range of fabulous shades, to either blend with your natural lip colour or to match your favourite cosmetic lip colour. Absolutely kiss-proof and as subtle or dramatic as you desire.
PRICE: £350
Please Note: Darker skin tones may not be suitable for lip permanent make up due to the natural undertones occurring in the skin pigmentation and the way that this affects the ultimate colour. Cold sore sufferers should embark on a course of anti-viral cold sore medication prior to starting their treatment and make their technician aware of this.
Beauty Spot
A beauty mark or beauty spot on the face can draw attention to particular areas of beauty, i.e. cheek bones, lips etc. Generally less than a centimetre across it may also be considered a beauty mark if located on the shoulder, neck or breast.